Sunday, January 4, 2009

Beginning the New Year

Well, looking back, it's hard to remember the whole year, which brings me to the point of this make note of the great things that happen to our family in 2009.

As we closed 2008, with lots of sniffles and sneezes, and 80 degrees one day then 50 degrees the next, 2009 has us mostly recovered and ready to finish the "winter" and move into spring as soon as possible.

These past 2 weeks Doug and I took off most of the time to spend with the kids, with a little work here and there. It was probably the most relaxing holiday season we've had since the kids were born, well, maybe ever. With no family around and a virus passing amongst us, we had little time with family or friends. We were fortunate enough to be well on Christmas and had a nice Christmas dinner with our neighbors and the kids had lots of fun playing all evening, almost til midnight.
The kids were thrilled to go see Desperaux and visit the zoo. Doug also took them to the Natural Science museum where the infamous "Lion eating the Zebra leg" display was entertainingly viewed again. The big dinosaur skeletons are impressive, but nothing beats a lion eating a zebra!